The South Australian Premier, Tom Playford, celebrates Christmas with Leigh Creek children in 1949 (Enid Blieschke Collection)

Susan Blieschke's 6th birthday party
Back from L - Ann-Marie Stokes, Mary Curd, Wendy Clement, Wendy Teale, Carolyn Tulk, Linda Corr
Front from L - Jacqueline Milne, Karin Schleyer, Susan, Helen Thomas (Enid Blieschke Collection)


Anne Mussared’s Birthday 1968 (david Mussared

David Mussared’s 10th Birthday 1971 (David Mussared)

(David Mussared)

the ransom brothers circa 1972, the joker, cracker jack and marvin the martian

Lutz Stritzke

the ahmat sisters circa 1960, doll in a box, hawaii girl & tarzan

friar ralf

Anne Colmer going to wendy clements birthday 1963 (Jack Colmer)

(Mick Millikan)

(Rosalie Patterson)

Susie Crane (L)


David, Jane and Barbara Mussared 1971 (David Mussared)