Eric and Enid Blieschke lived in “Old” Leigh Creek from its early days in the late 1940s for three decades. When Eric arrived in August 1948, as a single man, he lived in a tent for six months. After marrying Enid the following year, they were allotted an asbestos house in which they lived for the next 28 years. Eric worked at the coal mine, starting as a labourer before being promoted to Greaser, Shift Foreman and Production Supervisor. This gallery gives a snapshot of their lives as the town grew and they raised their three children, Terry, Susan and Jennifer.

Leigh Creek 1948-49

The road to Leigh Creek in the early days

The Blieschke Family

Exploring the local area and Flinders Ranges

Eric Blieschke at work in the mine

A trip to Birdsville

The Beltana Gymkhana

The last steam train to Copley - 1972


Thank you to Susan for providing ‘Leigh Creek - Old Town Project’ access to the Blieschke family photographs and other memorabilia. The Blieschke collection has contributed across all sections of this website.